First scene: (black back drop)
1. guitarist mid shot
2. edited setting 2 frames next to each other of the same person playing guitar
3. the the next frame is 4 shots of different aspects of the guitar laying like tapping of his shoe, fingers across guitar strings, his lips, his eyes
Second scene: (beach)
1. close up of the big sister
2. tilted shot of big sisters view
3. mid shot of big sister
4. close up of big sisters smiley face
5. back view of big sister walking away from little sisters point of view
6. close up of little sister
7. mid shot of little sister
Third scene: (white back drop)
1. tracking shot of big sister spinning which leads into the little sister spinning
2. Dance routine close up of couple
3. mid shot of couple
3. high tilt of couple
Fourth scene: (black back drop)
1. close up of lip-synching
Fifth scene: (white back drop)
1. repeat of spinning
Sixth scene: (flash back)
1. Slow long shot of girls holding hands
2. that shot turning into a close up of hands
seventh scene: (disco)
1. long shot across the crowds
2. close ups of people reaction
3. close up of dj-ing equipment
4. zoom out to see the whole scene
eighth scene: (beach)
1. mid shot of both girls chatting and walking across
2. longs shot of girls
3. close ups of their faces
ninth scene: (black back drop)
1. close ups of the fairy lights sparkling
2. zoom out
2. close up of feets moving across the floor
3. tracking shot of girl running though the woods
4. close up of scared face
tenth scene: (white back drop)
1. action shot of powder pain throwing
2. slow motion of powder paint dropping
3. close ups of smily faces
eleventh scene: (dico)
1. long shot of people dancing
2. close ups of people dancing
3. close up of Dj-er
twelfth scene: (beach)
1. over the shoulder shot of girl running towards big sister
2. close up of hug
thirteenth scene: (bedroom)
1. zoom out to show the room and them packing
2. close ups of them discussing what to bring
fourteen: (black back drop)
1. close up of faces of all 3 main people lip synching
fifteenth scene: (woods)
1. close up little girl running through with fairy lights wrapped around her in the dark
2. tracking shot
sixteenth scene : (black back drop)
1. close up of fairy lights
2. mid shot of dance routine
3. tracking shot of dance routine
seventeenth scene: (black back drop)
1. mid shot of guitar player
2. close up of lips singing
3. long shot of sing last vocals
eighteenth scene: (disco)
1. long shot of people dancing
2. camera twisten in a 360 circle to show all sides
nineteenth scene: (beach)
1. long shot of walking off
twentieth scene: (white back drop)
1.trowing powder paint up into the sky close up
2. slow motion
twenty-first: (black back drop)
1. close up of girls wrapped around with fairy lights
2. zoom out
3. fade out