Tuesday, 3 December 2013

24) Props

black sheet 

 White sheet

Fairy Lights 
Powder Paint 

23) Casting

Alan Hunte (lead male role) : I chose alan for this role because he is a good dancer and actor because he does A level dance and drama. His character fits the role extremely well and he has danced with alice Dymova the big sisters part before and so the connection between is strong and they will dance very well together.

 Alice Dymova (lead girl role, The bigger sister): I chose Alice for this role because she has such a strong dancing connection with Alan and just like alan has an a level in dance and drama which means she fits the part perfectly. Her personality is very strong and she gives off a strong spark to everyone she meets.

Elita Robertson (lead girl role, little sister): I chose Elita as she has the same long blond hair as Alice and they look like sisters. She also a very talented dancer and takes drama GCSE.

Shantanu Amin (DJ): I chose Shantanu as my DJ as he is very experienced DJ and often spends his time DJ-ing during school discos. This means that when I film him he wont have to get out of his comfort zone and will look very real because he is just doing what he usually does.

Mary Gledson (Alices friend): During the disco alice is dancing with another person mary is going to be this person during the disco. I have chosen her because she is naturally a good friends of alice and they spend a lot of time during discos dancing with each other so it wont be abnormal for that to happen.

Monday, 2 December 2013

22) Shot lists and shooting script

First scene: (black back drop) 
1. guitarist mid shot
2. edited setting 2 frames next to each other of the same person playing guitar 
3. the the next frame is 4 shots of different aspects of the guitar laying like tapping of his shoe, fingers across guitar strings, his lips, his eyes 

Second scene: (beach) 
1. close up of the big sister 
2. tilted shot of big sisters view 
3. mid shot of big sister 
4. close up of big sisters smiley face 
5. back view of big sister walking away from little sisters point of view 
6. close up of little sister
7. mid shot of little sister 

Third scene: (white back drop)
1. tracking shot of big sister spinning which leads into the little sister spinning
2. Dance routine close up of couple 
3. mid shot of couple 
3. high tilt of couple  

Fourth scene: (black back drop)
1. close up of lip-synching

Fifth scene: (white back drop) 
1. repeat of spinning 

Sixth scene: (flash back)
1. Slow long shot of girls holding hands 
2. that shot turning into a close up of hands 

seventh scene: (disco)
1. long shot across the crowds 
2. close ups of people reaction 
3. close up of dj-ing equipment 
4. zoom out to see the whole scene 

eighth scene: (beach)
1. mid shot of both girls chatting and walking across
2. longs shot of girls 
3. close ups of their faces 

ninth scene: (black back drop)
1. close ups of the fairy lights sparkling 
2. zoom out 
2. close up of feets moving across the floor
3. tracking shot of girl running though the woods
4. close up of scared face   

tenth scene: (white back drop) 
1. action shot of powder pain throwing 
2. slow motion of powder paint dropping 
3. close ups of smily faces

eleventh scene: (dico)
1. long shot of people dancing 
2. close ups of people dancing 
3. close up of Dj-er

twelfth scene: (beach)
1. over the shoulder shot of girl running towards big sister 
2. close up of hug 

thirteenth scene: (bedroom)
1. zoom out to show the room and them packing 
2. close ups of them discussing what to bring 

fourteen: (black back drop)
1. close up of faces of all 3 main people lip synching

fifteenth scene: (woods)
1. close up little girl running through with fairy lights wrapped around her in the dark
2. tracking shot 

sixteenth scene : (black back drop)
1. close up of fairy lights 
2. mid shot of dance routine 
3. tracking shot of dance routine 

seventeenth scene: (black back drop)
1. mid shot of guitar player
2. close up of lips singing 
3. long shot of sing last vocals 

eighteenth scene: (disco)
1. long shot of people dancing 
2. camera twisten in a 360 circle to show all sides 

nineteenth scene: (beach)
1. long shot of walking off 

twentieth scene: (white back drop)
1.trowing powder paint up into the sky close up
2. slow motion 

twenty-first: (black back drop) 
1. close up of girls wrapped around with fairy lights
2. zoom out
3. fade out   


21) Locations

Location Number 1: Silent walk Gordonstoun 

This is where the younger girl will be skipping through

Location Number 2:
bed room where the flashback scene will take place

Location number 3:
This is the beach I will be using for the scene where the 2 girls walk across and follow each others foot steps.

Location Number 4: 
This area will used on 2 occasions which will include in some shifting of furniture. I will use it for the guitarist, and when the girls are lip synching also when they come out wrapped in fairy lights and the dancing scene (club scene) will also be held in here.  

20) Animatic

19) 5 sections

18) Story Plan

My video starts off with a boy playing a guitar with a black background a different lights being shined towards him this is for the beginning of the song then when the vocals start the scene switches towards the beach where the girl wearing a pink short dress is hopping around being followed by her little sister who looks up at her big sister as a role model then when the chorus starts we go back to the boy who is singing then we have the girls dancing in front of a white screen, twisting and around making her dress flow with her. Then the big sister does a dance routine with the boy which involves a lot of lifts. then the main chorus is again sung by the boy by the black background the there is a flash back from when the girls were younger and they were packing their backpacks to travel then there is a club scene where the big sister is dancing and then there is a scene where the little sister runs through the woods with fairy lights rapped around her then they go back to the white screen and they throw powder paint around having fun together then there is another club scene and the next part is when the sisters jump into each others arms on the beach then when the chorus appears its not just the boy lip synching its also the big sister and the little sister lip-synching 1 line of the chorus. Then the 2 girls are placed behind a black back drop with fairly lights wrapped around them then the last bit for the boy is when he sings "didn't know I was young" and then the bit of the girls running across the beach is repeated but with faster shots and at the end it is fair-lights.