Tuesday 11 March 2014

Evaluation 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

To answer this question I have created a Wix site - Please click on the link below


Evaluation 3 - audience feedback

Below you can see some facebook messages which I collected off Facebook: 

Apart from positive and ''things I could improve on comments'' I received over Facebook I also made a quick video with the people in my class. It was very effective using students mainly due to the fact that they are between the age of 17/18 so classified as young adults which is the target audience I am looking at. This is the same on my Facebook the 3 friends that replied to my message asking for audience feedback are the perfect audience for my video this makes my feedback very reliable.

Monday 24 February 2014

7 - Final Advert

This is my final advert, I took the advice of my audience research-

  •  Most of the people I asked said that the advert needed more information on it so instead of just having the album release I now also have "9 newly released tracks" "QR code available" "1 hidden track never seen before" and "available on itunes" this gives the person looking at the poster more of an insight.
  • I have kept the picture simple and have kept it black and white against sofias views on this during my audience research due to the fact the this fits in with my genre if you look at most of Aviciis promotional advert most are very simple and stick with one colour theme
  • I made '' 1st of march'' capital to make it stand out like Niona said during my audience research
  • A lot of people gave me comments about making certain fonts bigger however instead of making it bigger I put a black background behind it because It makes it stand out and gives it a more professional look to it.     

6 - Audience Feed Back of my Mock up Advert

Here is some audience research I filmed on what people thought about the Mock up of my Advert: